Northampton Community College
Course Equivalencies
NOTE: "Special Studies courses" will be evaluated for transfer on a case-by-case basis. To be eligible for transfer to Moravian (either for day or evening division), courses must be taken for a letter grade, earning a grade of C (not C-) or better. Pass/no credit courses are not available for transfer. Students may also discuss proficiency exams, portfolio reviews, and other credit-by-examination procedures with their Moravian admissions counselor or divisional dean.
In all programs, majors, and minors, at least half of the course work must be completed for a letter grade at Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ.
NCC Course Code | NCC Course Name | Moravian Course Code | Moravian Course Name | Course Value in Credits | Meets LinC Guideline |
ACCT100 | Accounting for Non-Accountants | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
ACCT101 | Financial Accounting I | ACCTELECT | Accounting Elective | 3 | |
ACCT151 | Financial Accounting II | ACCTELECT | Accounting Elective | 3 | |
ACCT101 & ACCT151 | Financial Accounting I & Financial Accounting II | ACCT157 or CCBU157 | Financial Accounting | 6 | |
ACCT160 | Accounting Applications | ACCTELECT | Accounting Elective | 3 | |
ACCT201 | Intermediate Accounting I | ACCTELECT | Accounting Elective | 4 | |
ACCT202 | Managerial Accounting | ACCT213 | Managerial Accounting | 3 | |
ACCT205 | Cost Accounting | ACCT213 or CCBU213 | Cost Accounting | 3 | |
ACCT220 | Income Tax Accounting | ACCTELECT | Accounting Elective | 3 | |
ACCT251 | Intermediate Accounting II | ACCTELECT | Accounting Elective | 3 | |
ACCT201 & ACCT251 | Intermediate Accounting I & Intermediate Accounting II | ACCT218 or CCBU217 | Intermediate Accounting I | 6 | |
ACCT255 | Principles of Auditing | ACCTELECT | Accounting Elective | 3 | |
ARCH100 | Architectural History I: Antiquity to 1870 | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | M6 |
ARCH155 | Architectural History II: 1870 to Present | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | M6 |
ART | |||||
ARTA100 | Art and Visual Thinking | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | M6 |
ARTA101 | Art History Survey | ART113 | Art History Survey: Caves to Cathedrals | 3 | M6 |
Also equivalent to ART 114 (may not count as both – consult with Art Department chair) | |||||
ARTA107 | Drawing I | ART170 | Drawing I | 3 | M6 |
ARTA110 | Principles of 3-D Design | ART159 | Design: Three-Dimensional | 3 | |
ARTA111 | Principles of 2-D Design and Color | ART142 | Visual Foundations: Composition, Color and Design | 3 | M6 |
ARTA124 | Drawing II | ART270 | Drawing II | 3 | |
ARTA130 | Web Design I | ART346 | Interactive Design | 3 | |
ARTA131 | Introduction to 3-D Computer Animation | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
ARTA151 | Black & White Photography | ART167 | Black & White Photography I | 3 | M6 |
ARTA158 | Painting I | ART180 | Painting I | 3 | M6 |
ARTA161 | Ceramics | ART160 | Ceramics I | 3 | |
ARTA162 | Sculpture | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
ARTA170 | Computer Graphics | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 4 | |
ARTA171 | Desktop Publishing | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 4 | |
ARTA180 | Digital Design and Typography I | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
ARTA180 & ARTA281 | Digital Design and Typography I & Digital Design and Typography II | ART230 | Typography and Information Design | 6 | |
ARTA190 | Creative Designs | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
ARTA204 | Drawing III | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
ARTA210 | Package Design | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
ARTA220 | Media Art | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
ARTA226 | Painting II | ART280 | Painting II | 3 | |
ARTA230 | Motion Graphics I | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
ARTA236 | Interactive Design | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
ARTA240 | Web Design II | ART356 | Interactive II | 3 | |
ARTA260 | Individual Studio/Professional Practices | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 4 | |
ARTA261 | Advanced Ceramics | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
ARTA281 | Digital Design & Typography II | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
ARTA282 | Digital Photography | ART268 | Digital Photography I | 3 | |
ARTA285 | Portfolio Workshop | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
BIOS104 | Field Ecology | BIOLELECT | Biology Elective | 4 | F4 |
BIOS105+ | Contemporary Biology | BIOL100 | Principles of Biology | 4 | F4 |
BIOS107 | Biology I | BIOLELECT | Biology Elective | 4 | |
BIOS110 | In Your Genes | BIOLELECT | Biology Elective | 4 | F4 |
BIOS115+ | Essentials of Biology | BIOL100 | Principles of Biology | 4 | F4 |
BIOS126 | Environmental Science | ENVR112 | Environmental Science | 4 | F4 |
BIOS150 | Biology II | BIOL111 | Foundations of Biology | 4 | |
BIOS160 | Human Biology | BIOLELECT | Biology Elective | 4 | F4 |
BIOS202+ | Microbiology for Allied Health | BIOL206 | Microbiology for Health Sciences | 4 | |
BIOS204+ | Human Anatomy and Physiology I | BIOL103 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I | 4 | F4 |
BIOS206 | General Ecology | BIOLELECT | Biology Elective | 4 | |
BIOS210+ | Environmental Biology | ENVR112 | Environmental Science | 4 | |
BIOS240 | Microbiology | BIOL235 | Microbiology | 4 | |
BIOS254+ | Human Anatomy and Physiology II | BIOL104 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II | 4 | F4 |
BIOS260 | Genetics | BIOL210 | Genetics | 4 | |
+Does not count towards a biology major, biology minor, biochemistry major, or neuroscience major | |||||
BIOT184 | Introduction to Biotechnology | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 4 | |
BIOT185 | Biotechnology Techniques | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 4 | |
BIOT202 | Biotechnology Seminar | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 1 | |
BIOT220 | General Biotechnology | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 4 | |
BUSINESS | |||||
BUSA101 | Introduction to Business | MGMTELECT | Management Elective | 3 | |
BUSA115 | Introduction to International Business | MGMTELECT | Management Elective | 3 | |
BUSA152 | Business Law I | MGMTELECT | Management Elective | 3 | |
BUSA152 & BUSA202 | Business Law I & Business Law II | BUS226 | Legal Environment of Business | 6 | |
BUSA201 | Business Statistics I | ECON156 | Economics and Business Statistics | 4 | F2 |
BUSA202 | Business Law II | MGMTELECT | Management Elective | 3 | |
BUSA205 | Management Fundamentals | MGMT155 | Business & Society | 3 | |
BUSA221 | Business Communications | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | |
BUSA226 | Human Resources Management | BUS253 | Human Resource Management | 3 | |
BUSA232 | Principles of Marketing | MKTG251 | Marketing Management | 3 | |
BUSA260 | International Business Practice Firm | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
CHEM105# | Chemistry in Contemporary Society | CHEM100 | Chemistry and Society | 4 | F4 |
CHEM120 | General Chemistry I | CHEM113 | General Chemistry | 4 | F4 |
Grade of B or better required for credit toward chemistry major. | |||||
CHEM135# | Chemistry of Life | CHEM108 | Fundamentals of Chemistry | 4 | F4 |
Course may transfer as general elective; does not fulfill requirements for chemistry or biochemistry major. | |||||
CHEM201 | Organic Chemistry I | CHEM211 | Organic Chemistry | 4 | |
Grade of B or better required for credit toward chemistry major. | |||||
CHEM220 | General Chemistry II | CHEM114 | General Chemistry | 4 | F4 |
Grade of B or better required for credit toward chemistry major. | |||||
CHEM225 | Quantitative Analysis | CHEMELECT | Chemistry Elective | 4 | |
Course may transfer as general elective; does not fulfill requirements for chemistry or biochemistry major. | |||||
CHEM251 | Organic Chemistry II | CHEM212 | Organic Chemistry | 4 | |
Grade of B or better required for credit toward chemistry major. | |||||
#Does not count towards a chemistry major, chemistry minor, or biochemistry major | |||||
CMTH102 | Introduction to Communication | ENGL230 | Public Speaking | 3 | |
CMTH103 | Mass Communication | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | |
CMTH120 | Audio Production | MUS218.2 | Introduction to Audio Recording | 3 | |
CMTH122 | Radio Workshop | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 1 | |
CMTH126 | The Communication Arts | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
CMTH130 | Digital Music Production | MUS366.2 | Advanced Technology for Composers | 3 | |
CMTH170 | Television Production | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
CMTH180 | Multimedia Production | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
CMTH205 | Public Speaking | ENGL230 | Public Speaking | 3 | |
CMTH214 | Interpersonal Communications | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
CMTH215 | Intercultural Communication | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
CMTH220 | Introduction to Film | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
CMTH221 | History of Broadcasting | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
CMTH225 | Scriptwriting | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
With portfolio review, may be transferable into the English major or minor. | |||||
CMTH230 | Introduction to Communication Theory | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
CMTH231 | Small Group Communications | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
CMTH240 | Portable Video Techniques | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
CMTH245 | Audio Recording and Mixdown | MUS219.2 | Live and Studio Recording | 3 | |
CMTH251 | Advanced Television Production | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
CMTH252 | Video Editing and Post Production | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
CMTH275 | Media Production Internship | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
CISC100 | Information Technology Fundamentals | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 4 | |
CISC101 | Introduction to Information Technology | MGMT 211.2 | Applied Information Management | 3 | |
CISC104 | Information Systems & Resources | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 4 | |
CISC105 | Desktop Operating Systems | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 4 | |
CISC115 | Computer Science I | CSCI120 | Introduction to Computer Science | 4 | F4 |
CISC125 | Computer Science II | CSCI121 | Intermediate Software Development | 4 | |
CISC128 | Client-Side Scripting | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 4 | |
CISC131 | Data Communications & LANs | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 4 | |
CISC150 | Object-Oriented Programming | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 4 | |
CISC180 | Introduction to Network Security | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 4 | |
CISC225 | Computer Organization | CSCI222 | Computer Organization | 4 | |
CISC230 | Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis | CSCI244 | Advanced Software Development | 4 | |
CISC257 | Server-Side Scripting | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 4 | |
CISC270 | Database Systems | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 4 | |
COLS101 | College Success | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 1 | |
COLS150 | Skills for Academic Success | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
CJST101 | Introduction to Criminal Justice | SOCELECT | Sociology Elective | 3 | |
CJST111 | American Legal System | SOC216 | Crime, Law and Justice | 3 | |
CJST115 | Criminal Law | SOC318 | Criminal Law and Society | 3 | |
CJST121 | Criminology | SOCELECT | Sociology Elective | 3 | |
CJST131 | Juvenile Justice | SOC245 | Juvenile Delinquency | 3 | |
CJST135 | Law Enforcement & Investigative Techniques | SOCELECT | Sociology Elective | 3 | |
CJST225 | Corrections and Rehabilitation | SOC270 | Corrections in America | 3 | |
CJST245 | Criminal Justice Ethics | SOCELECT | Sociology Elective | 3 | |
CJST250 | Contemporary Issues Criminal Justice | SOCELECT | Sociology Elective | 3 | |
EARL106 | Early Childhood Development & Learning | EDUCELECT | Education Elective | 3 | |
EARL107 | Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood | EDUCELECT | Education Elective | 3 | |
EARL126 | Arts in Early Childhood | EDUC213.2 | Imagination and Creativity in Young Children | 3 | |
EARL128 | Infant-Toddler Development and Learning | EDUC210 | Child Development and Cognition I: Pre-natal to Five | 3 | |
EARL160 | Child Care Health Advocate | EDUC218.2 | Movement, Health, and Safety Education for Young Children | 3 | |
EARL208 | Math in Early Childhood | EDUCELECT | Education Elective | 3 | |
EARL216 | Language & Literacy in Early Childhood | EDUC222 | Emerging Language and Literacy, Pre-K to 4th Grade | 3 | |
EARL217 | Child, Family and Community | EDUC160 | Culture, Community, and Diversity: Introduction to Critical Teaching | 3 | M3 |
EARL218 | Science in Early Childhood | EDUCELECT | Education Elective | 3 | |
EARL244 | Early Childhood Profession | EDUC216 | Early Childhood Education Theories, Practices, and Family Partnerships | 3 | |
EARL263 | Internship-Early Childhood | EDUCELECT | Education Elective | 3 | |
ECON201 | Macroeconomics | ECONELECT | Economics Elective | 3 | |
ECON201 & ECON251 | Macroeconomics & Microeconomics | ECON152 or CCBU152 | Principles of Economics | 6 | M4 |
ECON251 | Microeconomics | ECONELECT | Economics Elective | 3 | |
EDUC115 | Education for All Students | EDUC160 | Culture, Community and Diversity: Introduction to Critical Thinking | 3 | M3 |
EDUC260 | Adolescent Development and Cognition | EDUC130 | Student Development & Instructional Design | 3 | |
ELEC101 | DC Circuit Analysis | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 4 | |
ELEC151 | AC/DC Circuit Analysis | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 4 | |
ELEC126 | Digital Electronics I | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
ELEC126 & ELEC226 | Digital Electronics I & Microprocessors I | PHYS/ CISC217 | Digital Electronics and Microprocessors | 6 | |
ELEC226 | Microprocessors I | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
ENGG201 | Statics | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
ENGG201 & ENGG252 | Statics & Dynamics | PHYS331 | Mechanics | 6 | |
ENGG251 | Strength of Materials | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
ENGG252 | Dynamics | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
ENGLISH | |||||
ENGL101 | English I | WRIT100 or CCEN100 | Writing (Professional Communication) | 3 | F1 |
ENGL151 | English II | ENGL104 | The Experience of Literature | 3 | M2 |
ENGL201 | British Literature I | ENGL102 | British Literature | 3 | M2 |
ENGL203 | Shakespeare | ENGL330 | Shakespeare | 3 | |
ENGL205 | American Literature I | ENGL101 | American Literature | 3 | M2 |
ENGL211 | Plays: Classical to Contemporary | ENGL233 | Modern Drama and Theatre | 3 | |
ENGL215 | Multicultural Adolescent Literature | EDUC131 | Young Adult Literature | 3 | M2 |
ENGL250 | Latin American Literature | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | M2 |
ENGL251 | British Literature II | ENGL102 | British Literature | 3 | M2 |
If ENGL201 was taken, ENGL251is equivalent to ENGLELECT. | |||||
ENGL253 | Creative Writing | ENGL212 | Introduction to Creative Writing | 3 | M6 |
Transfer dependent upon departmental review. | |||||
ENGL255 | American Literature II | ENGL101 | American Literature | 3 | M2 |
If ENGL205 was taken, ENGL255 is equivalent to ENGLELECT. | |||||
ENGL256 | Modern Poetry | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | |
ENGL257 | 20th Century Literature by Women | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | |
ENGL258 | Fiction Writing | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | |
ENGL260 | Contemporary Literature | ENGL343 | American Fiction after World War II | 3 | |
ENGL264 | Irish Literature | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | M2 |
ENGL265 | African-American Literature | ENGL105 | African-American Literature | 3 | M2 |
ENGL267 | Poetry Writing | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | M2 |
GEOG101 | World Geography | IDIS110 | World Geography and Global Issues | 3 | M5 |
GEOG121 | Environmental Sustainability | ENVR110 | Intro to Environmental Studies | 3 | M5 |
GEOG140 | Investigating Climate Change | ENVRELECTIVE | Environmental Studies Elective | 3 | M5 |
GEOG150 | Astronomy | PHYS108 | Astronomy | 4 | F4 |
GEOG151 | Geography of the United States and Canada | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
GEOG210 | Weather and Climate | PHYS106 | Meteorology | 4 | F4 |
GEOG271 | Introduction Geographic Information Systems | ENVR210 | Introductory Geographic Information Systems | 4 | |
GLBL130 | Introduction to Global Studies | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | M5 |
GEOLOGY | |||||
GEOL201 | Physical Geology | ENVR111 | Introductory Geology | 4 | F4 |
HEALTH | |||||
HEAL150 | Contemporary Health | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
HISTORY | |||||
HIST103 | Ancient and Medieval History | HISTELECT | History Elective | 3 | M1 |
HIST113 | American History I | HIST113 or CCHI113 | The United States to 1877 | 3 | M1 |
HIST121 | The Black Experience | HISTELECT | History Elective | 3 | |
HIST140 | Modern Chinese History | HISTELECT | History Elective | 3 | M5 |
HIST153 | Foundations of Modern European History, 1300-1815 | HISTELECT | History Elective | 3 | M1 |
HIST163 | American History II | HIST114 or CCHI114 | The United States since 1865 | 3 | M1 |
HIST166 | Civil War and Reconstruction | HISTELECT | History Elective | 3 | M1 |
HIST168 | History of the Middle East | HISTELECT | History Elective | 3 | M5 |
HIST173 | Modern European History, 1815 to Present | HISTELECT | History Elective | 3 | M1 |
HIST210 | History of Modern Science | HISTELECT | History Elective | 3 | |
HUMA121 | American Work Experience | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
HUMA140 | Introduction to Women and Gender Studies | WGSS101 | Introduction to Women's Studies | M5 | |
HUMA250 | Research Methods in the Social Sciences | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
INTS101 | Critical Thinking | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
JOUR101 | Journalism and Society | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | |
JOUR102 | News Editing | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | |
JOUR201 | Feature Writing | ENGL312 | News and Feature Writing in the Digital Age | 3 | |
JOUR202 | Social Media for Writers | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | |
JOUR203 | Writing for Public Relations | ENGL210.2 | Business Writing | 3 | |
JOUR204 | Newswriting | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | |
MATH118 | Foundations of Mathematics I | MATH125 | Mathematics for Elementary Teaching | 3 | F2 |
MATH119 | Foundations of Mathematics II | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
MATH120 | Nature of Mathematics | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | F2 |
MATH150 | Introductory Statistics | MATH107 or CCMA107 | Elementary Statistics | 3 | F2 |
MATH165 | Applied Calculus | MATH108 | Functions and Derivatives with Applications | 3 | F2 |
Departmental approval required for economics and business majors. | |||||
MATH175 | Calculus I with Review, Part 1 | MATH106 | Analytical Geometry and Calculus I with Review, Part 1 | 4 | F2 |
MATH176 | Calculus I with Review, Part 2 | MATH166 | Analytical Geometry and Calculus I with Review, Part 2 | 4 | F2 |
MATH180 | Calculus I | MATH170 | Analytic Geometry and Calculus I | 4 | F2 |
MATH181 | Calculus II | MATH171 | Analytic Geometry and Calculus II | 4 | F2 |
MATH210 | Calculus III | MATH211 | Analytic Geometry and Calculus III | 4 | |
MATH211 | Differential Equations | MATH254 | Differential Equations | 4 | |
Students planning to major in a foreign language should consult with the Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ department chair. | |||||
MDLA102 | Elementary French I | FREN100 | Introductory French I | 3 | F3 |
MDLA103 | Elementary Spanish I | SPAN100 | Introductory Spanish I | 3 | F3 |
MDLA112 | Elementary French II | FREN105 | Introductory French II | 3 | F3 |
MDLA113 | Elementary Spanish II | SPAN105 | Introductory Spanish II | 3 | F3 |
MDLA122 | Intermediate French I | FREN110 | Introductory French III | 3 | F3 |
MDLA123 | Intermediate Spanish I | SPAN110 | Introductory Spanish III | 3 | F3 |
MDLA133 | Intermediate Spanish II | SPANELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | F3 |
*2 terms of study in the same language are required to complete the F3 or Com3 requirement. | |||||
MUSIC | |||||
MUSC101 | Introduction to Music | MUS105 or MUS165.2 | Introduction to Western Music or Music of the Western World | 3 | M6 |
MUSC110 | Fundamentals of Music I | MUS101 or MUS140.2/141.2 | A Short Course in Theory or Musicianship I-II | 3 | M6 |
Course equivalency for music majors determined by departmental audition. | |||||
MUSC141-244 | Applied Music I-IV | MUS100.1 | Performance | 2 | |
Applied music study may be applied as elective credit, credit towards a music minor, or credit towards a music major. To earn any credit, a letter grade must be attached to the course. To count the course towards a music major, an audition by the Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ Music Department is required. | |||||
NURSING | |||||
The transfer of nursing credits is granted in accordance with the Pennsylvania State Articulation Model. Upon presentation of current R.N. license, students will receive 4 to 5 units/16 to 20 crs. of nursing credit, as determined by the Department of Nursing on a case-by-case basis. | |||||
NUTR105 | Introduction to Nutrition | IDIS231 | Nutrition | 3 | |
PHIL111 | On Death and Dying | PHILELECT | Philosophy Elective | 3 | |
PHIL121 | World Religions | PHILELECT | Philosophy Elective | 3 | M3 |
PHIL201 | Introduction to Philosophy | PHIL120 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 | M3 |
PHIL202 | Ethics and Moral Problems | PHIL222 | Ethics | 3 | M3 |
PHIL215 | Modern Philosophy | PHIL245 | Early Modern Philosophy | 3 | M3 |
PHYSICS | |||||
PHYS101 | Physics I | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 4 | F4 |
PHYS151 | Physics II | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 4 | |
PHYS152 | Physical Science II | PHYSELECT | Physics Elective | 3 | |
PHYS215 | Physics for Science and Engineering I | PHYS111 | Introductory Physics | 5 | F4 |
PHYS225 | Physics for Science and Engineering II | PHYS112 | Introductory Physics | 5 | F4 |
POLS101 | Introduction to Political Science | POSCELECT | Political Science Elective | 3 | |
POLS105 | American Constitutional Law | POSC220 or SOC220 | American Constitutional Law | 3 | |
POLS110 | American National Government | POSC110 | The American Political System | 3 | M4 |
POLS150 | Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution (Study Abroad) | POSCELECT | Political Science Elective | 3 | |
POLS170 | Politics of Modern Turkey - Study Abroad | POSCELECT | Political Science Elective | 3 | |
POLS202 | International Relations | POSC115 | Introduction to International Politics | 3 | M4 |
POLS205 | Women and Politics | POSCELECT | Political Science Elective | 3 | |
POLS251 | State and Local Government | POSCELECT | Political Science Elective | 3 | |
PSYC103 | Introduction to Psychology | PSYC120 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 | |
PSYC205 | Research Methods | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
PSYC230 | Intro to Health Psychology | PSYCELECT | Psychology Elective | 3 | |
PSYC235 | Developmental Child Psychopathology | PSYCELECT | Psychology Elective | 3 | |
PSYC245 | Cognitive Psychology | PSYCELECT | Psychology Elective | 3 | |
PSYC251 | Child Psychology | PSYCELECT | Psychology Elective | 3 | |
PSYC255 | Psychopathology | PSYC362 | Psychopathology | 3 | |
PSYC258& | Developmental Psychology | PSYC207 | Lifespan Development | 3 | |
PSYC265 | Psychology of Sex and Gender | PSYCELECT | Psychology Elective | 3 | U1 |
& To transfer into the Psychology major, please meet with the chair of the Psychology Department at Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ. | |||||
PUBH101 | Introduction to Public Health | HLTP110 | Introduction to Public Health | 3 | M4 |
PUBH102 | Introduction to Epidemiology | HLTP230 | Epidemiology | 3 | |
PUBH103 | Social and Cultural Perspectives of Health | 100-level HLTP Elective | HLTP Elective | 3 | |
PUBH201 | Introduction to Global Health | HLTP321 | Global Health | 3 | M5 |
PUBH202 | Public Health Across the Life Span | 200-level HLTP Elective | HLTP Elective | 3 | |
PUBH203 | Public Health Education Communication | 200-level HLTP Elective | HLTP Elective | 3 | |
PUBH204 | Community Health Practice | HLTP240 | Essentials of Health Behavior | 3 | |
PUBH205 | Public Health Field Experience | HLTP185 | Service in Public Health | 5 | |
SCWK101 | Introduction to Social Work | SOCELECT | Sociology Elective | 3 | |
SOCA102 | Cultural Anthropology | SOC113 | Cultural Anthropology | 3 | M4 |
SOCA103 | Principles of Sociology | SOC115 | Introductory Sociology | 3 | M4 |
SOCA105 | American Ethnicity | SOCELECT | Sociology Elective | 3 | |
SOCA125 | Sociology of Families | SOC125 | Marriage and the Family | 3 | |
SOCA150 | Deviance | SOC240 | Social Deviance | 3 | |
SOCA204 | Social Problems | SOCELECT | Sociology Elective | 3 | |
SOCA210+ | Sociology of Gender | SOC355 | Sociology of Gender | 3 | |
+Does not fulfill Moravian’s writing-intensive requirement. | |||||
SPEC160 | Introduction to Special Education | EDUC244 | Including Studies with Disabilities | 3 | |
SPRT101 | Introduction to Sport Management | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
SPRT152G | Sports in Society | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
SMAT101 | Foundations of Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation Services | HLTHELECT | Health Sciences Elective | 3 | |
SMAT202 | Kinesiology: Applied Anatomy | HLTH 260 | Kinesiology | 3 | |
SMAT230 | Prevention and Management of Injury & Illness | HLTH261 | Management and Prevention of Sports Injuries | 3 | |
SMAT245G | Acute Care of Athletic Illness and Injury | HLTHELECT | Health Sciences Elective | 3 | |
SMAT260 | Exercise Physiology and Exercise Prescription | HLTH 360 | Exercise Physiology | 3 | |
THEATRE | |||||
THEA110 | Introduction to the Theatre | ENGL232 | Art of the Theatre | 3 | |
THEA111 | Acting I | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
THEA115 | Technical Theatre & Design | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
THEA117 | Stagecraft | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
THEA206 | Directing | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
THEA211G | Plays: Classical to Contemporary | ENGL233 | Modern Drama & Theatre | 3 | |
THEA212 | Acting II | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
VETC101 | Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology | BIOLELECT | Biology Elective | 4 | F4 |