County College of Morris
Course Equivalencies
NOTE: “Special Studies courses” will be evaluated for transfer on a case-by-case basis. To be eligible for transfer to Moravian (either for day or evening division), courses must be taken for a letter grade, earning a grade of C (not C-) or better. Pass/no credit courses are not available for transfer. Students may also discuss proficiency exams, portfolio reviews, and other credit-by-examination procedures with their Moravian admissions counselor or divisional dean.
In all programs, majors, and minors, at least half of the course work must be completed for a letter grade at ˿Ƶ.
WCC Course Code | WCCC Course Name | Moravian Course Code | Moravian Course Name | Course Value in Credits | Meets LinC Guideline |
ACC111 | Principles of Accounting I: Financial Accounting | ACCTELECT | Accounting Elective | 3 | |
ACC112 | Principles of Accounting II: Managerial Accounting | ACCT157 | Financial Accounting | 3 | |
ART | |||||
ART114 | Contemporary Art | ART228 | Contemporary Art | 3 | |
ART116 | American Art | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | M6 |
ART122 | Drawing I | ART170 | Drawing I | 3 | M6 |
ART123 | Drawing II | ART270 | Drawing II | 3 | |
ART124 | Figure Drawing | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
ART130 | Two Dimensional Design | ART142 | Visual Foundations: Composition, Color and Design | 3 | M6 |
ART131 | Color Theory | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
ART132 | Three Dimensional Design | ART159 | Design: Three Dimensional | 3 | M6 |
ART133 | Art History I | ART113 | Art History Survey: Caves to Cathedrals | 3 | M6 |
ART134 | Art History II | ART114 | Art History Survey: Renaissance to Abstraction | 3 | M6 |
ART219 | Painting I | ART180 | Painting I | 3 | M6 |
ART220 | Painting II | ART280 | Painting II | 3 | |
ART228 | Sculpture I | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | M6 |
ART229 | Sculpture II | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
ART230 | Portfolio and Presentation | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
ART233 | Independent Study I | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 1- 3 | |
ART234 | Independent Study II | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 1-3 | |
ART237 | Watercolor Painting | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
ART241 | Ceramics I | ART160 | Ceramics | 3 | |
ART242 | Ceramics II | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
ART291 & ART292 | Special Topics in Art | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
BIOLOGY | |||||
BIO101 | Anatomy and Physiology I | BIOL103 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I | 4 | F4 |
BIO102 | Anatomy and Physiology II | BIOL104 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II | 4 | |
BIO118 | Biomedical Ethics | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
BIO121 | General Biology I | BIOLELECT | Biology Elective | 4 | F4 |
BIO122 | General Biology II | BIOL111 | Foundations of Biology | 4 | |
BIO127 | Biology of Environmental Concerns | ENVR112 | Environmental Science | 4 | F4 |
BIO132 | Concepts in Biology | BIOLELECT | Biology Elective | 4 | F4 |
BIO133 | Human Biology | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 4 | F4 |
BIO180 | General Biology I – Honors | BIOLELECT | Biology Elective | 4 | F4 |
BIO181 | General Biology II – Honors | BIOL111 | Foundations of Biology | 4 | |
BIO201 | Genetics | BIOL210 | Genetics | 4 | |
BIO202 | Ecology | BIOL360 | Ecology | 4 | |
BIO215 | Microbiology | BIOL235 | Microbiology | 4 | |
BIO233 | Independent Study in Biology | BIOLELECT | Biology Elective | 3 | |
BIO274 | Pathophysiology | BIOL205 or NURS205 | Pathophysiology | 3 | |
BIO295 | Special Topics in Biology | BIOLELECT | Biology Elective | 4 | |
BUSINESS | |||||
BUS112 | Introduction to Business | MGMTELECT | Management Elective | 3 | |
BUS119 | Business Information Systems and Applications | MGMT211.2 | Applied Information Management | 3 | |
BUS135 | Introduction to International Business | MGMTELECT | Management Elective | 3 | |
BUS136 | Personal Finance | ECONELECT | Management Elective | 3 | |
BUS201 | Human Relations in Business | BUS253 | Human Resource Management | 3 | |
BUS211 | Money and Banking | ECON320 | Money, Banking and Financial Policy | 3 | |
BUS212 | Principles of Finance | MGMTELECT | Management Elective | 3 | |
BUS213 | Business Law I | MGMTELECT | Management Elective | 3 | |
BUS215 | Principles of Management | MGMTELECT | Management Elective | 3 | |
BUS218* | Investment Principles | FIN341 | Investment and Portfolio Theory | 3 | |
*Does not fulfill the writing intensive requirement | |||||
BUS219 | Small Business Operations | MGMTELECT | Management Elective | 3 | |
BUS224 | Cooperative Work Experience – Business | MGMT288 | Internship | 3 | |
BUS225 | Cooperative Work Experience – Business – Related Class | MGMT386 | Internship | 1 | |
BUS240 | Small Business Planning and Finance | MGMTELECT | Management Elective | 3 | |
BUS242 | Customers Relations | MGMTELECT | Management Elective | 3 | |
*Grade of B or better required for transfer to Chemistry or Biochemistry Major.* | |||||
CHM105 | Forensic Science | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 4 | F4 |
CHM117 & CHM118 | Introductory Chemistry | CHEM108 | Fundamentals of Chemistry | 4 | F4 |
CHM125 & CHM126 | General Chemistry I (with lab) | CHEM113 | General Chemistry I | 4 | F4 |
CHM127 & CHM128 | General Chemistry II (with lab) | CHEM114 | General Chemistry II | 4 | |
CHM210 | Essentials of Organic Chemistry | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 4 | |
CHM212 | Biochemistry | Consult with department | 4 | ||
CHM231 & CHM232 | Organic Chemistry I – Lecture + Lab | CHEM211 | Organic Chemistry | 4 | |
CHM233 &CHM234 | Organic Chemistry II – Lecture + Lab | CHEM212 | Organic Chemistry | 4 | |
CHM235 | Independent Study in Chemistry | CHEM286 | Independent Study | 3 | |
CHM295 | Special Topics in Chemistry | CHEMELECT | Chemistry Elective | 4 | |
CHM296 | Special Topics in Chemistry | CHEMELECT | Chemistry Elective | 3 | |
COM101 | Introduction to Communication | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
COM103 | Introduction to Public Relations | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
COM104 | Interpersonal Communications | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
COM111 | Introduction to Journalism | ENGL 312 | News and Feature Writing | 3 | |
COM112 | Advanced Journalism | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | |
COM115 | Introduction to Mass Media | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
COM120 | Broadcast Journalism | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
COM209 | Editing and Publication Design | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
COM230 | Communications Internship | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
COM234 | Introduction to Film | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
COM291 & COM292 | Special Topics in Communications | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
CMP108 | Game Design Concepts | Consult with Department | 3 | ||
CMP120 | Foundations of Information Security | Consult with Department | 3 | ||
CMP124 | Network Security | Consult with Department | 3 | ||
CMP125 | Information Security Management | Consult with Department | 3 | ||
CMP126 | Computer Technology and Applications | CSCI105 | Fundamentals of Computer Science | 4 | F2 |
CMP128 | Computer Science I | CSCI120 | Computer Science 1 | 3 | F4 |
CMP129 | Computer Science II | CSCI121 | Computer Science 2 | 3 | |
CMP150 | Game Programming | Consult with Department | 3 | ||
CMP200 | Computer Operating Systems and Utilities | Consult with Department | 3 | ||
CMP230 | Computer Architecture and Assembly Language | Consult with Department | 3 | ||
CMP233 | Data Structures and Algorithms | CSCI244 | Data Structures | 3 | |
CMP239 | The Internet and Web Page Design | Consult with Department | 3 | ||
CMP241 | Database Programming (SQL) | Consult with Department | 3 | ||
CMP243 | Ethical Hacking and Systems Defense | Consult with Department | 3 | ||
CMP244 | Web Design II | Consult with Department | 3 | ||
CMP250 | Game Production | Consult with Department | 3 | ||
CMP290 | Independent Study in Information Technologies | Consult with Department | 3 | ||
CMP291 | Special Topics in Information Technologies | Consult with Department | 3 | ||
CMP292 | Special Topics in Information Technologies | Consult with Department | 3 | ||
CMP293 | Special Topics II in Information Technologies | Consult with Department | 1 | ||
CJS116 | Introduction to Criminology | SOCELECT | Sociology Elective | 3 | |
CJS120 | Jurisprudence: The Philosophy of Law | SOCELECT | Sociology Elective | 3 | |
CJS121 | Criminal Justice System | SOC216 | The Legal System | 3 | |
CJS122 | Classics of Criminology | SOCELECT | Sociology Elective | 3 | |
CJS131 | Introduction to Corrections | SOC270 | Corrections in America | 3 | |
CJS214 | Juvenile Delinquency | SOC245 | Juvenile Delinquency | 3 | |
CJS215 | Investigative Function | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
CJS291 & CJS292 | Special Topics in Criminal Justice | SOCELECT | Sociology Elective | 3 | |
DANCE | |||||
*Students may transfer up to 1 unit of elective credit to ˿Ƶ for courses taken in this area. | |||||
DAN111 | Introduction to Dance | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 1 | |
DAN112 | Dance Appreciation | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
DAN117 | Introduction to Ballet | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 1 | |
DAN125 | Jazz I | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 1 | |
DAN126 | Jazz II | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 1 | |
DAN130 | Tap Dance I | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 1 | |
DAN134 | Dance History | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
DAN135 | Dance Theatre Workshop I | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 1 | |
DAN136 | Dance Theatre Workshop II | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 1 | |
DAN137 | Ballet I | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 2 | |
DAN138 | Ballet II | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 2 | |
DAN141 | Modern Dance I | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 2 | |
DAN142 | Modern Dance II | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 2 | |
DAN146 | Dance for Musical Theatre | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 1 | |
DAN211 | Intermediate Ballet | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
DAN212 | Advanced Ballet | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
DAN216 | Intermediate Modern Dance | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
DAN217 | Advanced Modern Dance | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
DAN220 | Dance Theatre Workshop III | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 1 | |
DAN222 | Dance Theatre Workshop IV | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 1 | |
DAN224 | Choreography I | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
DAN226 | Choreography II | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
DAN230 | Dance Internship | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 2 | |
DRAMA | |||||
DRA110 | Acting I | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
DRA112 | Acting II | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
DRA229 | Directing | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
CDC110 | Early Childhood Development | EDUC210 | Child Development and Cognition I: Pre-natal to Five | 3 | |
ECO120 | Economics and Economic Issues | ECONELECT | Economics Elective | 3 | |
ECO211 | Principles of Economics I: Macroeconomics | ECONELECT | Economics Elective | 3 | |
ECO212 | Principles of Economics II: Microeconomics | ECONELECT | Economics Elective | 3 | |
ECON211 & 212 | Principles of Economics I & II | ECON152 | Principles of Economics | 6 | M4 |
EDU111 | Teaching in America | EDUC160 | Culture, Community, and Diversity: Introduction to Critical Teaching | 3 | M3 |
EDU211 | Behavior Observation in Education | EDUCELECT | Education Elective | 3 | |
ELT115 | Active Circuit Components | PHYS221 | Linear Electronics | 3 | |
ELT201 | Electricity and Electronics | PHYS221 | Linear Electronics | 4 | |
ELT213 | Active Circuit Design | PHYS221 | Linear Electronics | 4 | |
ELT291 & ELT292 | Special Topics in Electronics Engineering Technology | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
ENR224 | Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics) | PHYS331 | Mechanics | 3 | |
ENR291 & ENR292 | Special Topics in Engineering | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
ENGLISH | |||||
ENG111 | English Composition I | WRIT100 | College Writing | 3 | F1 |
ENG112 | English Composition II | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | M2 |
ENG113 | Creative Writing | ENGL212 | Introduction to Creative Writing | 3 | M6 |
ENG114 | Advanced Creative Writing | ENGL212 | Introduction to Creative Writing | 3 | M6 |
ENG115 | The Short Story | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
ENG116 | The Novel | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
ENG118 | Children’s Literature | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | |
ENG119 | Introduction to Poetry | ENGL320 | The Art of Poetry | 3 | |
ENG121 | Introduction to Linguistics | ENGL221 | The English Language | 3 | |
ENG123 | Introduction to Linguistics – Honors | ENGL221 | The English Language | 3 | |
ENG131 | English Composition I – Honors | WRIT100 | College Writing | 3 | F1 |
ENG132 | English Composition II – Honors | ENGELECT | English Elective | 3 | M2 |
ENG214 | Women in Film | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
ENG224 | Women in Literature | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | M2 |
ENG233 | History of the Theatre I | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | |
ENG234 | History of the Theatre II | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | |
ENG243 | World Literacy Traditions: Beginnings to 1650 | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | |
ENG244 | World Literacy Traditions: 1650 to Present | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | |
ENG246 | English Classics from “Beowulf” to “Paradise Lost”: A Survey of Drama, Romances and Epics | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | |
ENG247 | Romantics, Victorians and Moderns – Major British Writers of the 19th and 20th Centuries | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | |
ENG249 | American Literature from the Colonial to the Civil War | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | M2 |
ENG250 | American Literature from the Civil War to the Twentieth Century | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | M2 |
ENG283 | World Literary Traditions: Beginnings to 1650 – Honors | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | |
ENG284 | World Literary Traditions: 1650 to Present – Honors | ENGLELECT | English Elective | 3 | |
Portfolio review required for transfer of graphic design courses into the art major (all tracks). | |||||
GRD110 | History of Graphic Design | ART331 | Graphic Design: History and Practice | 3 | |
GRD118 | Typography I | ART230 | Typography and Information Design | 3 | |
GRD120 | Graphic Design I | ART231 | Publication Design | 3 | |
GRD215 | Commercial Illustration | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
GRD218 | Typography II | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
GRD220 | Graphic Design II | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
GRD227 | Portfolio Project | ART374 | Portfolio Seminar | 3 | |
GRD229 | Cooperative Work Experience Related Class | ART288 | Internship | 1 | |
GRD232 | Graphic Design Internship/Cooperative Work Experience | ART373 | Design Internship | 3 | |
GRD240 | Computer Assisted Page and Cover Design | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
GRD250 | Brochure and Magazine Design | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
GRD255 | Advertising Design | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
GRD291 & GRD292 | Special Topics in Graphic Design | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
*Students may transfer up to 1 unit of elective credit to ˿Ƶ for courses taken in this area. (excluding HES 111, 211, 212, & 213) | |||||
HES111 | Introduction to Exercise Science | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
HES125 | Stretching & Strengthening | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 1 | |
HES126 | Personal Fitness | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 1 | |
HES127 | Weight Training | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 1 | |
HES128 | Yoga | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 1 | |
HES182 | Golf I | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 1 | |
HES186 | Badminton | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 1 | |
HES187 | Volleyball | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 1 | |
HES211 | Kinesiology | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
HES212 | Exercise Physiology | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
HES213 | Exercise Measurement and Prescription | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
HES291 & HES292 | Special Topics in Exercise Science | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 1 | |
HED112 | Drugs, Society and Human Behavior | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
HED115 | Personal and Family Nutrition | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
HED128 | Lifetime Wellness | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 2 | |
HED286 | Personal Health and Wellness | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
HED295 | First Aid and Emergency Care | PHED241 | First Aid and CPR | 3 | |
HISTORY | |||||
HIS113 | Early Modern Europe | HISTELECT | History Elective | 3 | M1 |
HIS114 | Modern Europe | HIST112 | Europe in Global Context | 3 | M1 |
HIS117 | The Ancient World – Greece and Rome | HISTELECT | History Elective | 3 | M1 |
HIS118 | The Middle Ages | HIST140 | Medieval Europe | 3 | M1 |
HIS122 | History of Russia | HISTELECT | History Elective | 3 | M1 |
HIS123 | History of Modern Africa | HIST126 | African Civilizations | 3 | M5 |
HIS147 | History of Modern East Asia | HISTELECT | History Elective | 3 | M5 |
HIS148 | Modern Middle East | HISTELECT | History Elective | 3 | M5 |
HIS149 | History of New Jersey | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
HIS151 | Latin American History | HIST128 | 19th and 20th-Century Latin America | 3 | M5 |
HIS160 | History of Colonial and Revolutionary America | HIST113 | The United States to 1877 | 3 | M1 |
HIS164 | Civil War and Reconstruction | HISTELECT | History Elective | 3 | |
HIS166 | Emergence of America – U.S. History I | HIST113 | The United States to 1877 | 3 | M1 |
HIS167 | Twentieth Century American History – U.S. History II | HIST114 | The United States since 1865 | 3 | M1 |
HIS181 | The Middle Ages - Honors | HIST140 | Medieval Europe | 3 | M1 |
HIS183 | Modern Social Thought – Honors | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
HIS184 | Early Modern Europe – Honors | HISTELECT | History Elective | 3 | M1 |
HIS185 | Modern Europe – Honors | HIST112 | Europe in Global Context | 3 | M1 |
HIS203 | History of Minorities in U.S. | HISTELECT | History Elective | 3 | |
HIS204 | History of the African-American Experience | HISTELECT | History Elective | 3 | |
HIS209 | History of the American Women | HISTELECT | History Elective | 3 | |
HIS247 | History of the American City and Suburb | HISTELECT | History Elective | 3 | |
HIS291 & HIS292 | Special Topics in History | HISTELECT | History Elective | 3 | |
HMS215 | Introduction to Social Welfare and Human Services | SOC210 | The Human Service System | 3 | |
HMS216 | Human Needs and Social Services | SOC210 | The Human Service System | 3 | |
ISA110 | Intercultural Communication | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
ISA215 | A Survey of Islam | REL125 | Introduction to Islam | 3 | M3 |
ARABIC | |||||
ARA111 | Elementary Arabic I | ARAB100 | Introductory Arabic I | 3 | F3 |
ARA112 | Elementary Arabic II | ARAB105 | Introductory Arabic II | 3 | F3 |
ARA211 | Intermediate Arabic I | ARAB110 | Introductory Arabic III | 3 | F3 |
CHINESE | |||||
CHI111 | Elementary Chinese I | FL100 | Non-Major Elective | 3 | F3 |
CHI112 | Elementary Chinese II | FL105 | Non-Major Elective | 3 | F3 |
CHI211 | Intermediate Chinese I | FL110 | Non-Major Elective | 3 | F3 |
CHI212 | Intermediate Chinese II | FORLELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | F3 |
CHI291 | Special Topics in Chinese I | FORLELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
CHI292 | Special Topics in Chinese II | FORLELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
FRENCH | |||||
FRE111 | Elementary French I | FREN100 | Introductory French I | 3 | F3 |
FRE112 | Elementary French II | FREN105 | Introductory French II | 3 | F3 |
FRE211 | Intermediate French I | FREN110 | Introductory French III | 3 | F3 |
FRE212 | Intermediate French II | FREN210/215 | Multi-modal Francophone Texts: The Individual and Society/Nature, Leisure and Technology | 3 | |
FRE221 | French Conversation and Literature I | FREN210/215 | Multi-modal Francophone Texts: The Individual and Society/Nature, Leisure and Technology | 3 | |
FRE222 | French Conversation and Literature II | FREN241 | Selected Prose Works in French | 3 | M2 |
FRE291 & FRE292 | Special Topics in French | FREN290,291 | Special Topic | 3 | |
GERMAN | |||||
GER111 | Elementary German I | GERM100 | Introductory German I | 3 | F3 |
GER112 | Elementary German II | GERM105 | Introductory German II | 3 | F3 |
GER211 | Intermediate German I | GERM110 | Introductory German III | 3 | F3 |
GER212 | Intermediate German II | GR210/215 | German Culture in Context: Art and Contemporary Culture/German Culture in Context: Literature and Film | 3 | |
GER221 | German Conversation and Literature I | GR210/215 | German Culture in Context: Art and Contemporary Culture/German Culture in Context: Literature and Film | 3 | |
GER222 | German Conversation and Literature II | GR241 | Introduction to German Literature | 3 | M2 |
GER291 & GER292 | Special Topics in German | GR290,291 | Special Topic | 3 | |
ITALIAN | |||||
ITL111 | Elementary Italian I | ITAL100 | Introductory Italian I | 3 | F3 |
ITL112 | Elementary Italian II | ITAL105 | Introductory Italian II | 3 | F3 |
ITL211 | Intermediate Italian I | ITAL110 | Introductory Italian III | 3 | F3 |
ITL212 | Intermediate Italian II | ITALELECT | Italian Elective | 3 | F3 |
ITL221 | Italian Conversation and Literature I | ITAL150 | Conversation and Contemporary Life | 3 | F3 |
ITL291 & ITL292 | Special Topics in Italian | ITAL290 | Special Topic | 3 | |
JAPANESE | |||||
JPN111 | Elementary Japanese I | FL110 | Non-Major Elective | 3 | F3 |
JPN112 | Elementary Japanese II | FL105 | Non-Major Elective | 3 | F3 |
JPN211 | Intermediate Japanese I | FL110 | Non-Major Elective | 3 | F3 |
JPN212 | Intermediate Japanese II | FORLELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
LATIN | |||||
LAT111 | Elementary Latin I | LAT100 | Introductory Latin I | 3 | F3 |
LAT112 | Elementary Latin II | LAT105 | Introductory Latin II | 3 | F3 |
RUSSIAN | |||||
RUS111 | Elementary Russian I | FL100 | Non-Major Elective | 3 | F3 |
RUS112 | Elementary Russian II | FL105 | Non-Major Elective | 3 | F3 |
RUS211 | Intermediate Russian I | FL110 | Non-Major Elective | 3 | F3 |
RUS212 | Intermediate Russian II | FORLELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
SPANISH | |||||
SPN111 | Elementary Spanish I | SPAN100 | Introductory Spanish I | 3 | F3 |
SPN112 | Elementary Spanish II | SPAN105 | Introductory Spanish II | 3 | F3 |
SPN211 | Intermediate Spanish I | SPAN110 | Introductory Spanish III | 3 | F3 |
SPN212 | Intermediate Spanish II | SPAN120 | Intermediate Spanish - Spain: A Crossroads of Civilizations | 3 | F3 |
SPN218 | Advanced Spanish Conversation | SPAN210/215 | Introduction to Hispanic Literatures and Cultures: Islamic Spain to the Colonial Period/ Introduction to Hispanic Literatures and Cultures: The Enlightenment to the Present in Latin America | 3 | |
SPN219 | Advanced Spanish Composition | SPAN210/215 | Introduction to Hispanic Literatures and Cultures: Islamic Spain to the Colonial Period/ Introduction to Hispanic Literatures and Cultures: The Enlightenment to the Present in Latin America | 3 | |
SPN220 | Spanish Literature | SPAN241 | Introduction to Literature of Spain and Latin America | 3 | M2 |
SPN223 | Survey of Latin American Literature: Pre-Columbian to the Present | SPAN241 | Introduction to Literature of Spain and Latin America | 3 | M2 |
SPN291 & SPN292 | Special Topics in Spanish | SPAN290,291 | Special Topic | 3 | |
MKT113 | Principles of Marketing I | MGMTELECT | Management Elective | 3 | |
MKT114 | Principles of Marketing II | MGMT251 | Marketing Management | 3 | |
MAT113 | Applied Calculus | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 4 | |
MAT118 | Calculus with Application to Business and Economics | MATH108 | Functions and Derivatives with Applications | 3 | F2 |
MAT124 | Statistics | MATH107 | Elementary Statistics | 3 | F2 |
MAT130 | Probability and Statistics | MATH107 | Elementary Statistics | 4 | F2 |
MAT131 | Analytic Geometry and Calculus I | MATH170 | Analytic Geometry and Calculus I | 4 | F2 |
MAT132 | Analytic Geometry and Calculus II | MATH171 | Analytic Geometry and Calculus II | 4 | F2 |
MAT183 | Honors Probability & Statistics | MATH107 | Elementary Statistics | 3 | F2 |
MAT228 | Linear Algebra | MATH220 | Linear Algebra | 3 | |
MAT230 | Calculus III | MATH211 | Analytic Geometry and Calculus III | 4 | |
MAT232 | Differential Equations | MATH212 | Discrete Mathematical Structures and Proof | 3 | |
MED110 | Multimedia I | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
MED113 | Multimedia II | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
MED119 | Digital Media Production | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
MED213 | Multimedia Authoring and Design | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
MED220 | Animation | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
MED224 | Independent Study in Media | IDIS286 | Independent Study | 3 | |
MED228 | Cooperative Work Experience – Media Studies | IDIS288 | Internship | 3 | |
MED229 | Cooperative Work Experience – Media Studies Related Class | IDIS288 | Internship | 1 | |
MED230 | Media Internship | IDIS288 | Internship | 3 | |
MED240 | Advanced Animation | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
MED291, MED292 & MED293 | Special Topic in Media Studies | IDIS 290, 291, 292 | Special Topic | 1-3 | |
MUSIC | |||||
Audition and/or portfolio review required for transfer of courses into the music major or minor. | |||||
MUS011 | Basic Musicianship I | MUS140.2 | Musicianship I | 2 | |
MUS109 | Applied Music Secondary – Voice I | MUS104.1 | Voice Class | 1 | |
MUS110 | Applied Music Secondary – Voice II | MUS104.1 | Voice Class | 1 | |
MUS209 | Applied Music Secondary - Voice III | MUS104.1 | Voice Class | 1 | |
MUS210 | Applied Music Secondary – Voice IV | MUS104.1 | Voice Class | 1 | |
MUS112 | Introduction to Electronic Music | MUSELECT | Music Elective | 3 | |
MUS114 | American Music | MUS117 | Music in the United States | 3 | M6 |
MUS117 | Music Theory I | Portfolio Review/ Audition Required | 3 | ||
MUS118 | Music Theory II | Portfolio Review/ Audition Required | 3 | ||
MUS215 | Music Theory III | Portfolio Review/ Audition Required | 3 | ||
MUS216 | Music Theory IV | Portfolio Review/ Audition Required | 3 | ||
MUS124 | Electronic Music II | MUSELECT | Music Elective | 3 | |
MUS125 | Applied Music Secondary - Piano I | MUS103.1 (Non-Majors) or MUS136.1 (Majors) | Piano Class (103.1) or Beginning Piano Techniques (136.1) (consult with department) | 1 | |
MUS126 | Applied Music Secondary – Piano II | MUS103.1 (Non-Majors) or MUS136.1 (Majors) | Piano Class (103.1) or Beginning Piano Techniques (136.1) (consult with department) | 1 | |
MUS225 | Applied Music Secondary – Piano III | MUS103.1 (Non-Majors) or MUS136.1 (Majors) | Piano Class (103.1) or Beginning Piano Techniques (136.1) (consult with department) | 1 | |
MUS226 | Applied Music Secondary – Piano IV | MUS103.1 (Non-Majors) or MUS136.1 (Majors) | Piano Class (103.1) or Beginning Piano Techniques (136.1) (consult with department) | 1 | |
MUS129 | Music in Early Childhood | NM Elective | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
MUS133 | Development of Musical Theatre | MUS Elective | Music Elective | 3 | |
MUS135 | Applied Music Primary I | Audition Required | 1 | ||
MUS136 | Applied Music Primary II | Audition Required | 1 | ||
MUS137 | Applied Music Primary III | Audition Required | 1 | ||
MUS138 | Applied Music Primary IV | Audition Required | 1 | ||
MUS143 | World Music & Culture | MUS113 (Non Majors) | Introduction to Non-Western Music | 3 | M6 |
MUS150 | Jazz History & Styles | MUS115 | Jazz Artists and Eras | 3 | M6 |
MUS152 | Piano I | MUS103.1 | Piano Class | 1 | |
MUS153 | Piano II | MUS103.1 | Piano Class | 1 | |
MUS154 | Piano III | MUS100.1 | Performance Class | 1 | |
MUS155 | Piano IV | MUS100.1 | Performance Class | 1 | |
MUS163 | Rock History and Culture | MUSELECT | Music Elective | 3 | M6 |
MUS165 | Introduction to Music Recording | MUSELECT | Music Elective | 3 | |
MUS166 | Introduction to Music Business | MUSELECT | Music Elective | 3 | |
MUS167 | Music Recording II | MUSELECT | Music Elective | 3 | |
MUS176 | Aural Comprehension I | Audition/ Review Required | 1 | ||
MUS177 | Aural Comprehension II | Audition/ Review Required | 1 | ||
MUS178 | Aural Comprehension III | Audition/ Review Required | 1 | ||
MUS179 | Aural Comprehension IV | Audition/ Review Required | 1 | ||
MUS182 | Audio Production Techniques | MUSELECT | Music Elective | 1 | |
MUS184 | Musical Theatre Production and Performance | MUSELECT | Music Elective | 3 | |
MUS214 | Form and Analysis | MUS340.2 | Form | 3 | |
MUS217 | Music History and Literature to 1750 | MUS281 | Western Music to 1750 | 3 | |
MUS218 | Music History and Literature From 1750 | MUS283 | Classical and Romantic Music | 3 | *Doesn’t fulfill the writing intensive requirement |
MUS233 | Independent Study in Music | Portfolio Required | Special Topic | 1 | |
MUS234 | Independent Study in Music | Portfolio Required | Special Topic | 3 | |
MUS240 | Jazz Guitar | MUS100.1 | Performance | 1 | |
MUS243 | Musical Theatre Auditions | MUSELECT | Music Elective | 3 | |
MUS244 | Independent Study in Electronic Music I | MUSELECT | Music Elective | 1 | |
MUS245 | Independent Study in Electronic Music II | MUSELECT | Music Elective | 1 | |
MUS248 | Enjoyment of Music | MUS106 | Art of Music | 3 | M6 |
MUS249 | Practicum | MUSELECT | Music Elective | 1 | |
MUS250 | Internship in Music Recording | MUSELECT | Music Elective | 1 | |
MUS253 | Independent Study in Music II | MUSELECT | Music Elective | 1 | |
MUS254 | Independent Study in Music III | MUSC286 | Independent Study | 1 | |
MUS255 | Independent Study in Music IV | MUSC286 | Independent Study | 1 | |
MUS258 | Contemporary Music 20th – 21st Century | Portfolio Required for MUS352.2 & MUS 354.2 or MUSELECT | 3 | ||
MUS291 & MUS292 | Special Topics in Music | MUS291/292 | Special Topics | 3 | |
NURSING | |||||
NUR224 | Nursing Colloquium | NURSELECT | Nursing Elective | 1 | |
PHL111 | Introduction to Philosophy | PHIL120 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 | M3 |
PHL114 | Ethics | PHIL222 | Ethics | 3 | M3 |
PHL115 | Logic | PHIL210 | Symbolic Logic | 3 | |
PHL180 | Introduction to Philosophy – Honors | PHIL120 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 | M3 |
PHL211 | Philosophy of the Person | PHILELECT | Philosophy Elective | 3 | |
PHL212 | Philosophy and Religion | PHILELECT | Philosophy Elective | 3 | |
PHL221 | Philosophy of Plato | PHILELECT | Philosophy Elective | 3 | |
PHL280 | Ancient Philosophy – Honors | PHIL241 | Ancient Philosophy | 3 | M3 |
Portfolio review required for transfer into the art major or minor. | |||||
PHO113 | History of Photography | ART220 | History of Photography | 3 | |
PHO115 | Photography I | ART167 | Black & White Photography I | 3 | M6 |
PHO116 | Photography II | ART267 | Black & White Photography 2 | 3 | |
PHO117 | Color Photography I | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
PHO119 | Contemporary Photography | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
PHO204 | Digital Imaging I | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
PHO213 | Documentary Photography | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
PHO216 | Studio Lighting I | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
PHO224 | Digital Imaging II | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
PHO226 | Portfolio Preparation | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
PHO227 | Professional Studio Photography | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
PHO228 | Cooperative Work Experience Photography | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 3 | |
PHO229 | Cooperative Work Experience Photography-Related Class | ARTELECT | Art Elective | 1 | |
PHO290 | Independent Study I | ART286 | Art Elective | 3 | |
PHO291 | Special Topics in Photography | ART290 | Special Topic | 3 | |
PHO292 | Special Topics in Photography | ART291 | Special Topic | 3 | |
PHO293 | Special Topics in Photography | ART292 | Special Topic | 3 | |
PHYSICS | |||||
PHY111 | Technical Physics I + Lab | PHYS111 | Introductory Physics II | 4 | F4 |
PHY112 | Technical Physics II + Lab | PHYS112 | Introductory Physics II | 4 | |
PHY118 | Meteorology | PHYS106 | Meteorology | 4 | F4 |
PHY125 & PHY126 | General Physics I – Lecture +Lab | PHYS109 | Introductory Physics for Life Sciences | 4 | F4 |
PHY127 & PHY128 | General Physics II – Lecture + Lab | PHYS110 | Introductory Physics for Life Sciences | 4 | |
PHY130 | Engineering Physics I + Lab | PHYS111 | Introductory Physics | 4 | F4 |
PHY133 & PHY134 | Engineering Physics II + Lab | PHYS112 | Introductory Physics | 4 | |
POL111 | American Government | POSC110 | The American Political System | 3 | M4 |
POL222 | Constitutional Law | POSC220 | American Constitutional Law | 3 | |
POL231 | State and Local Government | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
POL240 | International Politics | POSC115 | Introduction to International Politics | 3 | M4 |
POL245 | Comparative Government | POSC125 | Introduction to Comparative Politics | 3 | M5 |
POL270 | Civil Liberties – Basic Rights and Freedom | POSC221 | Civil Liberties and the US Constitution | 3 | |
POL291 & POL292 | Special Topics in Political Science | POSCELECT | Political Science Elective | 3 | |
PSY113 | General Psychology | PSYC120 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 | |
PSY116 | Psychology and Education of the Disabled | PSYCELECT | Psychology Elective | 3 | |
PSY117 | Health Psychology | PSYCELECT | Psychology Elective | 3 | |
PSY180 | General Psychology – Honors | PSYC120 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 | |
PSY213 | Child Psychology | PSYCELECT | Psychology Elective | 3 | |
PSY214 | Adolescent Psychology | PSYCELECT | Psychology Elective | 3 | |
PSY217 | Educational Psychology | PSYCELECT | Psychology Elective | 3 | |
PSY218 | Cross-Cultural Psychology | PSYCELECT | Psychology Elective | 3 | |
PSY219 | Developmental Psychology – The Human Lifespan | PSYC207 | Lifespan Development | 3 | |
PSY221 | Psychology of Personality | PSYC361 | Personality | 3 | |
PSY229 | Community Mental Health | PSYCELECT | Psychology Elective | 3 | |
PSY290 | Independent Study in Psychology | PSYC286 | Independent Study | 3 | |
PSY291 | Special Topics in Psychology | PSYC290 | Special Topic | 3 | |
PSY292 | Abnormal Psychology – Honors | PSYC362 | Psychopathology | 3 | |
SCIENCE | |||||
SCI106 | Introduction to Astronomy | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
SCI118 | General Astronomy | PHYS108 | Astronomy | 4 | F4 |
SOC108 | Cultural Geography | IDIS110 | World Geography and Global Issues | 3 | M5 |
SOC110 | Sociology of Health and Illness | SOCELECT | Sociology Elective | 3 | |
SOC120 | Principles of Sociology | SOC115 | Introductory Sociology | 3 | M4 |
SOC180 | Principles of Sociology – Honors | SOC115 | Introductory Sociology | 3 | M4 |
SOC202 | Contemporary Social Issues – America as a Diverse Society | SOCELECT | Sociology Elective | 3 | |
SOC206 | Religion and Human Experience | SOC265 | Sociology of Religion | 3 | |
SOC209 | The Family | SOC125 | Marriage and the Family | 3 | |
SOC214 | Cultural Diversity in America: The Sociology of Ethnic and Minority Groups | SOC258 | Power and Conflict | 3 | Does not fulfill Writing Intensive requirement |
SOC215 | Physical Anthropology | SOCELECT | Sociology Elective | 3 | |
SOC216 | Cultural Anthropology | SOC113 | Cultural Anthropology | 3 | M4 |
SOC217 | Archeology | SOCELECT | Sociology Elective | 3 | |
SOC221 | Sociology of Gender | SOC355 | Sociology of Gender | 3 | Does not fulfill Writing Intensive requirement |
SOC222 | Deviant Behavior | SOC240 | Social Deviance | 3 | |
SOC224 | Sociology Psychology | PSYC340 | Social Psychology | 3 | |
SOC230 | Sociology of Globalization | NMELECT | Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
SOC291, SOC292 | Special Topics in Sociology | SOCELECT | Sociology Elective | 3 |